Saturday 7 September 2013

Progress in Lists: Ups, Downs.. and Going Vegan!

Hey Ladies!

Well this is long overdue. 

The last month has been really good for me. After 3 months of craziness between work and moving, life finally settled down. Then I became a hermit. I feel like I went a few weeks there without talking to anyone or doing much... and I loved it. It's like I needed to load up on me time after doing too much. So, I'm sorry for being MIA but I'm back to normal. I'm now finding balance in many ways. Lists are more fun so I'll list things off:

1. The Ups
  • I've been reading a lot about veganism and vegan cooking through different books and blogs. I find it so fascinating and it's been a great source of enrichment and enjoyment for me after my work days.
  • I'm not totally transitioned to being a vegan, but getting there. After trying different things, making mistakes, and learning a lot... I've finally got a plan that can be maintained for the long term.
  • Lots of me time has allowed me to cool off and I'm ready for what's to come this fall.
  • From these nutritional changes, I've slimmed down a bit. Though I technically weigh the same (?) I bought some new shirts yesterday and while trying them on, I could notice the change.
2. The Downs
  • In my pursuit of learning about vegan eating, I've been neglecting exercise. Not good. I've had issues in the past with over-sleeping when I don't exercise enough.. and despite biking to work on weekdays and working out on weekends... I can feel it starting to come back. I need to get back on track. Which means one workout almost everyday (even if it's small).
  • The Army Run is fast approaching and I have not been training properly at all. My goal is to finish the race and I'm confident that will happen, but I'm going to have to work hard from now till then to get there.
3. The New!
  • Just finished the first week of my new rotation at work! Yay! I now work in Media HR and I am loving it so far. I'm working on a big compensation project and I have no idea what I'm doing.. but I'm learning a lot every day, which feels good. Things are gonna get busy for sure, but I'm mentally prepared for it this time
  • I signed up for my first knitting class! It starts next Thursday! I think it will be really therapeutic and fun to learn something new. 
  • Going to the Vegetarian Food festival today.. really excited. Going with a new buddy I know from races around Toronto. I'm having dinner with a gal pal from grad school tonight. Feels great to be building up a circle of my own friends in TO.
  • Chris and I are nice and settled in the condo and it feels great.
4. My favourite blogs right now :) 
  • Oh She Glows (
  • Char Eats Greens (
  • Healthy Ashley (
  • Vegan Yack Attack (
  • <3 <3 <3 Fitness a la Anna (
5. Books I'm dying to read:
  • Crazy Sexy Diet (and Crazy Sexy Kitchen) 
  • The Kind Life
  • I Quit Sugar
6. People I miss (in no particular order!):
  • Laura
  • Anna
  • Kelsey
  • Jess
7. Books I've read and loved in the last month (photo list, woo!):

What I've been reading book-wise
8. Annnnnnd tiny bits of progress:
August to September - Mini Progress
If you guys are curious in my new meal plans and the details of my vegan eating - I can definitely post more about that sometime this week.

Miss you gals! How's it going for you all? Let us know.


Wednesday 21 August 2013

5 Week Countdown

So, a little under 5 weeks until race day.

Here is my schedule for the next month. I will be focused specifically on building distance and improving pace.

I never completed my food journal! But I would still like to try. I would also like to work on achieving 6 small meals a day and to incorporate more fruits & vegetables into my diet.

I'll let you ladies know how the 15KM goes!

Monday 19 August 2013

Post-Vacation Tone-Up

Hey ladies,

It is high time that I posted - sorry for my disappearing act! I was on vacation in Nova Scotia last week, where I ate ice cream. Every. Single. Day.

Time to get back on track!

Here is my plan for the week:

Day Activity Completed?
Mon  Weighted workout
Tues Run @ work (lunch)
Wed Kettlebell Class
Thurs Run - intervals
Fri Weighted workout
Sat Run - 7km

Also, I have a confession. I started another blog. I've decided I'm not going to drop this one, though, I love the inspiration! Check out my little side-project here if you have a chance, and let me know what you think!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Good Week!

Hi ladies,

So this week was pretty good. Was able to get in 4 runs, my longest being 10km (which is the longest so far :)!!) and I didn't feel like I was totally going to die during it lol. On one of my runs my Aunt Angie came up to Huntsville and joined me. She decided to start training for the half marathon in Toronto to as a bucket list for her 50th birthday. It was fun getting out and doing the run with her :)

In other news, my mom had a slimming party this past week. Basically you wrap your self in these cream soaked sheets and saran wrap them into place. They are suspose to detoxify and shrink cells, causing you to lose at least a inch (cue my eye rolling here during my mom's explaination). Anyways, I joined the party mostly for the wine and cheese and girl talk. The after treatment measurement shows that everyone lost at least a inch....though not sure if that because we were wrap so tightly for a hour and we were squeezed into place or the person measuring fudged the numbers a bit....anyways, despite it being a fun party, I think I will stick to the running to lose the inches...seems like a more reliable-if painful-way lol

In my plan for this week I hope to get another 4 runs in before I head out east to drop my sister off at school (logging some distance in since I know Im not reliable with training when Im away). The long run is 12km, eek!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Sums everything up!

I'm still going! Much needed update

Well ladies, it's been too long! I haven't posted much, not because I haven't been doing anything.... but because of the opposite.

A few updates:

Last Week

  • The 4 day weekend at the cottage threw me off. Although I was very active while I was there (exercised everyday! even on the one day I didn't run, I helped pick up and stack wood logs - holy squats and lifts!) it threw me off my weekly schedule, resulting in a less than stellar week.
  • Nutrition was way off. Indulged quite a bit at the cottage and then it was tough to go back to healthy eating when I got home.

This Week

  • As a results of my indulging, I got fed up with feeling icky from bad food and made a serious meal plan for this week. I've been sticking to it too! (Remind me I need to post it here).
  • I'm really into vegan eating and I'm trying to consume as little dairy and meat as possible. I got a great book on cooking vegan which I LOVE. Will post it later. I'm trying to transition into 95% vegan eating - not indefinitely, but for now. (I say 95% because I know there are little things I can never avoid e.g. going to a coffee shop and having to settle for dairy milk instead of soy or almond milk, or, having something cooking in chicken broth, or, honey)
  • I last minute registered for the 'Midsummer Night's Run'. I'm doing the 15km race on Saturday night. Definitely not ready. Was gonna do a 12km last night but felt exhausted. Gonna do it tonight. Excited to amp up my running game.
  • I felt like I needed a physical detox or bootcamp so this week I'm doing morning workouts and afternnoon workout. Honestly it feels great. I'm hoping to keep it up while Chris is away on vacation next week too.
I took before pictures and I'm going to take after pictures... I'm thinking I'm gonna call this a 2 week bootcamp + vegan eating camp? Not very catchy. Regardless I'll post results after the two weeks.

How are you guys doing? Summer is tough for staying in the swing of things. Let me know how it's going :)

xo Danielle

PS: Vegan + Fish. I can never ever give up fishies. miam miam miam

Saturday 10 August 2013

Was away but now I'm back!

Hey girlies!
So back from NYC and it was amazing! Had super fun but unfortunately the old trick of getting out and running on vacation didn't pan out well. Only one day did I do an "actual" run on the treadmill in the hotel. However, on the bright side we walked EVERYWHERE in NYC, only took one taxi while we are there.... So figured that we walked approx 3-6km per day (depending on the day)... So that counts doesn't it?

Being back this week at it has been ok... Trying to recapture my running groove again (feel like I just found it before I left and then it disappeared!) but keeping at it. My goal is trying to do 4 runs this week as I'm home for the entire week. 

Is it just me or is it getting Fall cold already?!